Preventive Medicine Specialist

Elevate Health Group
Primary Care Physicians & Internists located in Glendale, CA
Make sure that you’re in great health and keep it that way with Elevate Health Group’s preventative medical steps and tests. Patients throughout Glendale, La Canada, Burbank, and the Greater Los Angeles area can receive the important, medical screenings they need to remain healthy from Dr. Derhartunian and Dr. Tovmassian.
Preventive Medicine Q & A
What is Preventative Medicine?
Preventative medicine is a medical specialty which focuses on the protection and maintenance of a person’s health and well-being in order to prevent the development of disease and disability as well as a person’s demise. Doctors who practice preventative medicine use their skills and knowledge to promote good health among individuals, populations, and communities. There are three categories of preventative medicine: aerospace, occupational, and public/general health medicine.
What Are the Differences Between the Three Categories?
Each section of preventative medicine focuses on a particular aspect. The details of the areas of concern for each category are as follows:
- Aerospace Medicine- This focuses on the care, research, and support of crewmembers and passengers aboard space and air vehicles. The people who work on air and space crafts undergo unique health challenges and circumstances. Doctors who work in this field aim to help those people perform at their best and avoid any health problems which may arise from being in these environments.
- Occupational Medicine- Doctors who practice this form of preventative medicine focus on the health and welfare of workers in addition to the safety of the occupational environment. They work with people to prevent injury, disability, and illness from occurring as a result of their occupation.
- Public and General Preventative Medicine- This area focuses on promoting health, preventing injury and disease, and overall wellbeing of communities and individuals. These doctors aim to help the public as a whole and the individual patient.
What Types of Services Fall Under Preventative Medicine?
Medical health screenings, annual physical exams, general laboratory tests, and reproductive health exams are all forms of preventative medicine. The goal is to keep a patient’s body functioning as well as possible in order to prevent a disease or condition from ever occurring. Elevate Health Group offers numerous preventative steps to ensure that each patient is able to enjoy a long, healthy life.
All Major Insurances Accepted
Please call the office for any questions regarding insurance.