COVID-19 Testing Specialist

Elevate Health Group
Primary Care Physicians & Internists located in Glendale, CA
COVID-19 is spreading easily and quickly through California. If you believe you were exposed or are exhibiting symptoms, testing is paramount. At Elevate Health Group in Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada, California, Narbeh Tovmassian, MD, FACP, and Garen Derhartunian, MD, FACP, offer COVID-19 testing so you can take the necessary steps to take care of yourself and reduce transmission in the community. Call to schedule your COVID-19 test or book online today.
COVID-19 Testing Q & A
What is COVID-19?
You’ve most certainly heard of COVID-19, a novel coronavirus. This is a virus that’s not been previously identified or encountered. Despite its classification as a “coronavirus,” it’s not the same as common coronaviruses that frequently infect humans and cause mild cold-like symptoms.
While some people experience a COVID-19 infection with minimal symptoms, others become extremely ill and even die. The long-term effects of a COVID-19 infection aren’t yet understood.
Who should undergo COVID-19 testing?
If you’ve been exposed to someone who has an active case of COVID-19 or are exhibiting symptoms of the virus, get tested. Symptoms include:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever or chills
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
These symptoms aren’t comprehensive, as researchers are discovering new things about the virus as infections increase.
Symptoms show up between 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
How does COVID-19 spread?
COVID-19 spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets. You expel these droplets when you sneeze, cough, or talk. These droplets can be breathed in by people around you or land on surfaces, which people touch and then touch their face.
What COVID-19 testing is available?
There are two types of tests for COVID-19: a viral test and an antibody test.
A viral test tells you if you currently have COVID-19 and may be contagious.
An antibody test informs you if you had COVID-19 at some point in the past. It can take 1-3 weeks after an infection for your body to make the antibodies detected by the test.
Right now, it’s not clear how much protection antibodies provide you from getting COVID-19 again or how long this protection may last.
What happens if I test positive for COVID-19?
If you have a positive viral test for COVID-19, you’ll usually go home to recover. You’ll want to stay home and away from other people in your household and the community to prevent spread. Even if you don’t get a test but have symptoms that suggest COVID-19, you should stay home.
Isolate yourself in a separate room and separate bathroom, if possible. If you do need to be around other people in your home, wear a face mask.
While recovering, hydrate often and rest. Over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen, can help ease some symptoms. Stay in touch with the team at Elevate Health Group and if you have any complications, such as trouble breathing, call the office immediately.
COVID-19 is serious. If you suspect you’re infected, get tested at Elevate Health Group right away. Call to schedule your COVID-19 testing or book online today.
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